Welcome to the SecurityKingStore, your source for security related content.
I have been in the security industry for over a decade and have sold, supported, tested and used a variety of security related products.
This includes everything from Battery Powered Locks, Keypads, Electric Strikes, Magnetic Locks, RFID Access Control Systems, Bio-metric Readers, Hotel Systems, Cameras, Door Guards, Safes & more.
While many of these systems were designed for commercial use applications, I have also installed and tested many consumer grade products over the years for my own personal use. Some good, some not so great.
Aftermath of a Break-in(s)
Unfortunately, many of you have found this information because a break-in has ALREADY happened.
Maybe it happened to you directly, a close friend/family member or a neighbor. Generally speaking, most people are only concerned with increasing security after-the-fact.
Having gone through not one, but two break-ins at my own personal residence. I have seen first hand the aftermath of what happens when proper security measures are not in-place.
The reason I created this website…
To share some of my experiences and help others increase security BEFORE something happens.
This will include sharing information on good security practices, product reviews and assembling a resource on everything security related.
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